Saturday, November 21, 2009

Latent Tracks or A Short Back Log

Latent Tracks

Lights In The Sky

The Tiny Tracker Trouble

"The worried contractors described the coins as "filled with something man-made that looked like nano-technology," according to once-classified U.S. government reports and e-mails obtained by the AP."
...warning from the Defense Security Service, an agency of the Defense Department, that mysterious coins with radio frequency transmitters were found planted on U.S. contractors with classified security clearances on at least three separate occasions between October 2005 and January 2006 as the contractors traveled through Canada."

It turns out that the nano-technological, super-spy coin was
...wait for it, wait fot it

A quarter!

"The supposed nano-technology on the coin actually was a protective coating the Royal Canadian Mint applied to prevent the poppy's red color from rubbing off. The mint produced nearly 30 million such quarters in 2004 commemorating Canada's 117,000 war dead."

So, I can understand... you're in a distant and terrifyingly foreign country, filled with a violent and unhelpful citizenry, and at any moment maurading blood-thirsty beasts may attack you (they are referred to, in-country, as "moose"). And now you have to worry about the change you get at the local gas station. Because, you never know, maybe Claude has started working with the terrorists (his name is french, you know).

"One contractor believed someone had placed two of the quarters in an outer coat pocket after the contractor had emptied the pocket hours earlier. "Coat pockets were empty that morning and I was keeping all of my coins in a plastic bag in my inner coat pocket," the contractor wrote."

Now where'd I put my keys... oh, shit... the terroists have struck again.

Link to the full [AP] story.

Paul Levinson's Infinite Regress

Infinite Regress
A great little blog (with a great name) I discovered through my obsession driven Lost info gathering. Dr. Levinson (Professor and Chair, Dept. of Communication and Media Studies, Fordham University) does much more than Lost. He loves to dissect his favorite shows, and takes a good look at the Presidential campaigns (as it relates to the media).

With regard to his analysis of political media, his allegiances are worn on his sleeve. Dr. Levinson makes it clear where he stands and the ground under him maybe slanted, but the view is always level. I thoroughly enjoy both the doctor's analysis and ability to keep (through comments and 'further-reading' posts) a civil and reasoned discourse. The ability to acknowledge and even find value in another person's differing opinion, or motivation, is what keeps me coming back.

Dr. Levinson's targets for analysis include " 24, Battlestar Galactica, Brotherhood, Californication, Dexter, Heroes, In Treatment, John Adams, Lost, Mad Men, New Amsterdam, Tell Me You Love Me, The L Word, The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Tudors, The Wire, Weeds ... and the Presidential campaigns"
Infinite Regress


This will be my little nook on the net. I will be using it as a way of sharing some of my knowledge with everyone. At times, it may digress into self absorbed neurosis, strange flights of future fancy, oddly compelling non-conventional arguments, and adjective-laden, never-ending, run-on sentences. You may also note a strange punctuation situation takin' place. This is because *gasp* I don't care. Words are tools to be used to freely exchange ideas, not constrains with which to be bound.

Posting on this blog will not be regular, constant, nor, I fear, very coherent. Please feel free to comment about anything seen, written of, or hinted at here.

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